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- //submerged object vertex shader:
- //ripples the vertices of things underwater
- //2 directional lights and ambient light also applied
- //must be used with submerged.psh
- //Luke Lenhart
- //(C)2004-2005 Digipen Institute of Technology
- //NOTE: only vertices with a z value < -2 will be affected by this effect
- //combined view,projection transform
- float4x4 matViewProj;
- //world transform
- float4x4 matWorld;
- //rotational transform from world
- float4x4 matWorldRotation;
- //2 directional lights
- float4 l1Direction;
- float4 l1Color;
- float4 l2Direction;
- float4 l2Color;
- //ambient light
- float4 lAmbient;
- //alpha modifier for mesh
- float alphaMod;
- //camera position in world space
- float4 cameraPos;
- //current time (in seconds) since whenever
- float curTime;
- //multiplier for how much underwater wavery effect gets applied
- float waveMod;
- //shader input
- struct VS_INPUT
- {
- float4 Pos : POSITION;
- float4 Normal : NORMAL;
- float2 Tex0 : TEXCOORD0;
- };
- //shader output
- struct VS_OUTPUT
- {
- float4 Pos : POSITION;
- float4 Color : COLOR;
- float2 Tex0 : TEXCOORD0;
- };
- //shader code
- {
- //calc colors from directional lights
- float4 norm=mul(matWorldRotation,-In.Normal);
- float4 l1Contrib=dot(norm,l1Direction)*l1Color;
- l1Contrib=saturate(l1Contrib);
- float4 l2Contrib=dot(norm,l2Direction)*l2Color;
- l2Contrib=saturate(l2Contrib);
- Out.Color=l1Contrib + l2Contrib + lAmbient;
- //calc transformed position and copy texture coord
- Out.Tex0=In.Tex0;
- float4 worldPos=mul(matWorld,In.Pos);
- //do ripple effect if z is less than -2
- if (worldPos.z<-2.0f) //underwater
- {
- //use 1/distance from camera is a base offset distance
- float invCamDist=1.0f/distance(cameraPos,worldPos);
- float2 theta=In.Pos.xy+curTime;
- theta.y+=3.14;
- worldPos.xy+=waveMod*sqrt(invCamDist)*worldPos.z*2.5f*sin(theta);
- //less alpha with less z
- Out.Color.a=1.0f+worldPos.z/9.0f;
- }
- else //above water
- {
- Out.Color.a=1.0f;
- }
- //do view/project transform
- Out.Pos=mul(matViewProj,worldPos);
- //modify alpha
- Out.Color.a*=alphaMod;
- //spit out the results
- return Out;
- }